First impossible thing: blog.

I’m not entirely sure where to begin, so let’s start with: Hi, I’m Christine. I’ve been blogging in Bayer’s internal social network for a while now and just recently decided that I’d like to make my stuff available to a broader audience. That means you, so welcome! Check out my LinkedIn if you’d like to know what I do at  Bayer.

My blogging focuses on the stuff that I read or see that resonates with what I encounter in my daily work. Topic-wise, it’s all over the place, but with a slight preference towards leadership, system thinking, innovation and networks with a significant dash of feminism.

If you’re wondering why on earth someone would write about that stuff, here’s my two reasons: one, I really do enjoy to sit down and structure my thoughts around why something resonates with me and what I can learn from that (yeah, I’m a nerd). And two, building a community of like-minded people is really important to me, so I’m hoping that sharing my thoughts will encourage others to do the same.

None of this is endorsed by Bayer. All opinions are my own, in some cases very much so. With that out of the way, let’s go and see where this road takes us!